Our products explained in 3 steps
Your patients already want nutritional support specific to their thyroid health.
Most people who seek natural medicine are aware of thyroid disease. Either they are aware of it or they are already on thyroid medication.

Step 1: Thyroid-Specific Micronutrients
- Thyroid Daily
- Daily Reset Bundle
Most patients are thyroid-savvy. They understand that thyroid function has a large impact on their health and it may modify their nutritional requirements.
Thyroid-Specific Micronutrients include the Thyroid Daily and the Daily Reset Bundle.

Thyroid Daily
It includes all trace minerals, b-vitamins, antioxidants, and fat-soluble vitamins including Vitamin D. The dosage and form of each nutrient is formulated to support optimal thyroid health.
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Daily Reset Bundle
If you feel they would benefit from supplemental essential fats, magnesium, or calcium, recommend Thyroid Daily as part of the Daily Reset Bundle.
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The Daily Reset bundle includes Thyroid Daily along with Omega Pure low iodine essential fats and Cal/Mg which does not require an 8-hour delay after thyroid medication typical of many calcium magnesium products.
Daily Reset Bundle
Thyroid Daily | Thyroid-specific vitamins, trace minerals and vitamin D |
Omega Pure | Low-iodine EPA and DHA |
Cal/Mg | Water-soluble calcium and magnesium, OK to take within 1 hour of thyroid medication. |
Thyroid-Specific Micronutrients
Product details
Patient Selection
Thyroid-Specific Micronutrients are for every patient with thyroid disease or at risk for it.
Dosing Guidelines
Recommended dosing is 1 capsule of Thyroid Daily, 2 capsules of Omega Pure, and 2 capsules of Cal/Mg to be taken once daily with food at least 1 hour after taking thyroid medication.
Thyroid-Specific Micronutrients are meant for long-term usage.

Step 2: Condition Specific Micronutrients
- Antibody Support
- Nodule Control
- ThyroSoothe
- Easy Iron
After considering Foundational Nutrients, give recommendations based on known laboratory findings. These include:
- Positive thyroid antibodies
- Thyroid nodules
- Hyperthyroidism
- Low iron
Condition Specific
Antibody Support | Patients with positive thyroid antibodies including anti-thyroid peroxidase (TPO), anti-thyroglobulin (Tg), and Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulins (TSI) |
Nodule Control | Patients with thyroid nodules |
ThyroSoothe | Patients with hyperthyroidism secondary to internal causes such as Graves’ disease or toxic nodular goiter or external causes such as thyroid medication |
Easy Iron | Patients with below optimal iron levels |

Thyroid Antibodies – Antibody Support
Why lower antibodies?
Thyroid antibodies can cause the progression of thyroid disease and lower the odds of recovery.
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Even with stable thyroid function (euthyroidism), they may contribute to symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, hair loss, and edema.
They can also contribute to risk for other conditions including infertility and heart disease.
Antibody Support
Product details
Patient Selection
You likely have many savvy patients who ask specifically for help lowering their antibodies. Antibody Support can be a central part of their care plan.
For others with elevated thyroid antibodies, you can make them aware of the benefits of lowering their antibodies – recovery from thyroid disease and improvement of many of the symptoms.
The ingredients in Antibody Support have been proven in human clinical trials to lower thyroid antibodies within 3-6 months. Group reductions average roughly 50% for most of the ingredients individually. The formula can collectively be expected to work as well if not better and more quickly than any of the individual ingredients.
Antibody Support is formulated to be used in combination with Thyroid Daily.
Dosing Guidelines
Recommended dosing is 2 capsules once daily with food at least 1 hour after taking thyroid medication.

Thyroid Nodules – Nodule Control
The majority of adults with hypothyroidism and/or Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis have thyroid nodules. Between 3-7% of thyroid nodules can harbor thyroid cancer.
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In addition to the cancer risk, thyroid nodules can cause difficulty swallowing, voice changes, and local pain.
Thyroid Nodules can often be responsive to treatment including nutraceutical care, active surveillance, and dietary therapy.
Nodule Control
Product details
Patient Selection
Patients with thyroid nodules. Especially for those with worrisome nodules and those that may be contributing to local symptoms.
The ingredients in Nodule Control have been proven in human clinical trials to lower thyroid Nodules within 2-6 months. Group volume reductions average 20-50% for most of the ingredients individually. The formula can collectively be expected to work as well if not better and more quickly than any of the individual ingredients.
Nodule Control is formulated to be used in combination with Thyroid Daily.
Dosing Guidelines
Recommended dosing is 2 capsules once daily with food at least 1 hour after taking thyroid medication.

Hyperthyroidism – ThyroSoothe
Hyperthyroidism raises the risk for poor quality of life; mortality; and comorbidities such as cardiac arrhythmias, hip fracture, and Graves’ eye disease.
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Product details
Patient Selection
Patients with prolonged exposure to hyperthyroidism and/or risks associated with Graves’ disease can benefit from ThyroSoothe. The earliest stages of hyperthyroidism are evident with TSH levels below range regardless of T4, T3, rT3, or thyroid antibodies.
In most cases, hyperthyroidism will be caused by thyroid medications, Graves’ disease, or toxic nodular goiter.
ThyroSoothe is safe to use in conjunction with medications and treatments that slow thyroid function such as methimazole, propylthiouracil, and radio ablation.
ThyroSoothe can help protect against the harm of hyperthyroidism but will not slow thyroid function or elevate TSH levels.
In addition to ThyroSoothe, it is necessary to ascertain the cause of hyperthyroidism and start the process to achieve normal thyroid function.
Dosing Guidelines
Recommended dosing is 2 capsules once daily with food at least 1 hour after taking thyroid medication.

Steps 3: Symptom Specific
For the final steps, consider your patient’s top symptoms. They may include:
- Weight loss
- Improved energy
- Better sleep
For the following steps, include them as you deem appropriate. The products are formulated so that those taking them all still receive appropriate doses of each ingredient.
Symptom Specific
Metabolism Boost | Patients with an excessive appetite, difficult weight loss, recurrent weight gain |
Adrenal Energy | Patients with recurrent unexplained fatigue, cravings of sugar or salt, dizziness and low blood pressure, poor recovery from exercise |
Thyrotonin | Patients unable to fall asleep quickly or stay asleep throughout the night or those with unrefreshing sleep |

Weight loss – Metabolism Boost
Weight loss is the most commonly stated goal of patients with thyroid disease. Since extra body weight is a prime source of inflammation, weight loss is also one of the most effective ways to improve a variety of other symptoms.
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Metabolism Boost
Product details
Patient Selection
When recommending Metabolism Boost, consider all patients with an expressed interest in weight loss as well as those who may benefit due to anthropometric findings such as BMI, height to waist ratio, and body fat percentage.
Metabolism Boost can improve the efficacy of weight-loss strategies and be used to improve compliance in patients who struggle with food cravings and excessive appetites.
Dosing Guidelines
Recommended dosing is 2 capsules once daily with food at least 1 hour after taking thyroid medication.

Fatigue – Adrenal Energy
A healthy cortisol slope is essential for the body to properly utilize thyroid hormones. Adrenal Energy is a blend of adaptogenic nutraceuticals formulated to optimize the cortisol slope and improve HPA function.
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Adrenal Support
Product details
Patient Selection
Adrenal Energy can be useful for patients with any combination of abnormal cortisol metabolism or adrenal-specific symptoms such as:
- Fatigue, especially recurrent at predictable times each day
- Cravings for sugar or salt
- Dizziness/low blood pressure
Allow 1-2 weeks for improvements in subjective symptoms of well-being. If monitoring cortisol metabolism, measurable improvements should take no more than 3 months.
Dosing Guidelines
Recommended dosing is 2 capsules once daily with food at least 1 hour after taking thyroid medication.
Visit the full Prescribing Information for details on how Adrenal Energy can be customized based on cortisol lab results.

Better Sleep – Thyrotonin
Many with thyroid disease suffer from dyssomnias including difficulties falling asleep, poor sleep retention, poor sleep quality, and daytime drowsiness.
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Exogenous melatonin use may improve sleep onset in adults. Yet some adults with variations in melatonin receptor 1A may experience rebound sleep disturbances due to receptor downregulation. Studies show that variations in melatonin receptor 1A are more common in those with autoimmune thyroid disease.
Thyrotonin supplies immediate-release melatonin at a microdose of 100 mcg. This dosage may be more effective since it is below a threshold that leads to receptor downregulation. Microdose melatonin has been shown to be safe for longer-term use without the risk of inhibiting endogenous melatonin secretion.
Product details
Patient Selection
Use Thyrotonin as an adjunct to improve sleep quality in patients with oversleep complaints and excessive daytime drowsiness.
Dosing Guidelines
The recommended starting dose is 1 capsule daily away from food and within an hour of bedtime. The dose can be titrated as needed from 1-3 capsules.
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